Power BI Reports Sharing best practice

Power BI Reports Sharing best practice

There are many ways to Share or Collaborate on Power BI contents. In today’s post, we will discuss best practice for three main ways:

  1. ShareShare reports or dashboards from your “My Workspace or another Workspace”.
  2. Workspace Collaborate on contents within a Workspace.
  3. AppsBundle reports and dashboards in a Workspace into an App and distribute to users.


  1. Use Share reports or dashboards from your “My Workspace or another Workspaces” when you want to allow read- only access to individual pieces of contents. When you share a dashboard or report, recipients can view, interact, edit, make a copy or re-share only if you give them permission to. For this option, sharing is done on individual reports or dashboards and can be difficult to manage when you have many users and many contents to share. Changes to contents take effect immediately for recipients.
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  1. Use Workspace when you want to collaborate and distribute content with a smaller group. Workspaces are places to collaborate with colleagues and create collections of dashboards, reports, datasets, and paginated reports. Also allow co-ownership of content. Roles let you manage who can do what in the new Workspaces. Contents changes are visible immediately to recipients.
  1. Use Apps to share contents to larger group (broader audience). Apps are an easy way for designers to share different types of content at once. App designers create dashboards and reports and bundle them together into an App and share to users. Contents changes require republishing the App for recipients to see the changes.

Happy sharing 🙂

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